Wednesday, March 4, 2009

"Muslim Food"

So, on campus, the Muslim Student Association is having an "Islam Awareness Week." Today they had an Imam give a lecture entitled, "Jesus in Islam." Yesterday, they had a "Taste of the Faith" presentation/display, where free food was available. The food was familiar to me--filafil, hummus, mamoul, etc.

I didn't attend this luncheon because I was working downstairs (I have a job on campus.) My co-worker, who is a Muslim, graciously brought a heaping plateful of food for the ladies of our office to sample. She just dropped off the food and left. I gratefully devoured several filafil--I miss that stuff! Then I listened as the other women in the office responded to the food.

Coworker A: "Do you want to try some Muslim food?"

Coworker B: "Ahh...What is it?"

Coworker A: "Um, I don't know, the Muslims were giving away food."

Coworker C (entering): "Oh, what's going on? Is it Foreign Culture Food Day or something??"

Coworker A: "No, some Muslim students are doing something...Uhh...Sarah????" (That's my name)

Me: "It's Islam Awareness Week. They started today with some ethnic food and then tomorrow..."

(Cutting me off) Coworker B: "Oh, well, I'm not that hungry. Looks interesting though."

(they all lose interest, food goes uneaten.)

I don't think they are racist, I'm not trying to uncover some ugly prejudice or anything here. But I did think this was yet another example of the awkwardness and involuntary apprehension that accompanies anything vaguely Arab, and, in this case, Muslim. (And that's another pet peeve: "Arab" does NOT always equal "Muslim," or vice versa.)

Anyway, they know that I am the honorary "ambassador to the Muslims." Some of them know I lived in Saudi Arabia, some of them know my dad is Muslim, and some of them just know that I am often present at MSA events and that I am close friends with many of the campus Muslims.

Anyway, there is some sort of tension, some sort of hesitation, that is truly undeniable in so many of my "tolerant" compatriots. It's fascinating and unfortunate.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

did they have any tacos from morocco? yummy!