Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Brief on US-Arab Economic Relations in the Obama Administration

Okay, I'm a huge nerd and FASCINATED by global economics. Thus, I found this 8-page report to be very intriguing. Click above for the link, or just read this summary, and enjoy!


'While oil will continue to dominate the US strategic concerns about the Middle East the growing economic and financial power of some Middle Eastern countries also deserves some consideration. These countries are combining their large oil revenues with sound economic policy to achieve high economic growth rates and they are being actively courted by European and Asian countries who seek to expand their trade and investment relations with these nations. The US also has an interest in promoting economic growth and higher standards of living in lower-income Middle Eastern countries. Poverty and inequality in countries like Egypt and Yemen often leads to the rise of militant movements and political violence which spreads throughout the region and is frequently targeted towards US interest. Global competition for the Middle East export markets will be intense in the coming decade. The ability of the USS to succeed in this market will partially depend on the diplomatic and military dimensions of the US Middle East policy, particularly its perceived role in the Middle East conflict.'


Translation: the US has managed, at least partially, to preserve it's oil and trade interests in the Middle East for several decades by bullying, bribing, and buying. However, America's ability to continue this semi-monopoly has been severly damaged by the economic crisis as well as the war in Iraq and the deteriorating condition in Palestine. In the mean time, China, India, and Europe are not hesitating to fill in this gap. Basically, Obama's administration has their work cut out for them.


Anonymous said...

Very interesting, thanks!

Anonymous said...

glad you summarized it, gf. reading the whole article no doubt would have put me right to sleep!