Monday, March 9, 2009

Women in Islam Program

So, on Saturday evening I attended a program at the local Muslim Community Center, entitled "Women in Islam." It was sponsored by the Muslim women of the community center, and included an ethnic dinner, a short speech by the local imam, a guest speaker on the role of Mary in the Qur'an, and a cultural fashion show.

I thought it was a great idea and they did a good job. I could tell they were eager to dispell stereotypes, to display themselves as proud, dignified, independent women despite the stylish scarves wrapped daintily around their heads. It really isn't an oxymoron--to be modest and liberated--but conveying that is an uphill battle.

Anyway, I invited four of my friends to attend--'white people' as I call them (again, I'm white-skinned, very white, but I never really identify with my ultra-Western demographic). I think they had a good time--they said it was interesting and they especially loved the fashion show at the end, when different women and their daughters proudly displayed their traditional bridal wear from Pakistan, Palestine, Albania, Saudi Arabia, India, and Egypt. Very girly, but a great way to ease people into Muslim/Arab/SE Asian culture. I'm glad I brought friends.

They also did our henna! (This is a pretty simple, small design compared to what I've had in the past, but there was a long line so they kept it short.)


Anonymous said...

sorry i had to miss this event.

Anthrogeek10 said...

I love henna. I had it done in Pakistan!